About Me

I'm a freelance writer passionate about natural living and inspiring others to live their best lives. 

Elevated Content Creation

    • Cannabis

    • Health & Wellness

• Holistic Living

What I Do


                                        Top-Shelf Cannabis Content

Oh, how I love Ms. Mary Jane. Which is why I've been crafting high-quality content about cannabis since 2014. Over the years I've created countless articles, blogs, guides, and more about cannabis lifestyle, medical benefits, science, strains, cultivation, curing, extraction, and counterculture.                                                  

                                 Lifestyle & Holistic Living Resources

Through a multi-faceted approach to holistic living, I believe anyone can live an empowering, passionate lifestyle that allows them to thrive. The work I do is a reflection of the life I live. My collection of holistic health content, including blogs, articles, and ebooks, spans nutrition, holistic living tips, natural remedies, herbs, plant medicines, yoga, guided meditations, and more. 


                            Private / Group Yoga & Meditation Classes